Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Offer of Undergraduate, Master's and PhD scholarships by the Government of Brunei Darussalam for the Session 2011-12 Part 2

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Universities in Which Programs are Offered:
Universiti Brunei Darussalam (UBD)
Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali (UNISSA) and
Institut Teknologi Brunei (ITB)
The list of programs offered by each university can be downloaded from Brunei Darussalam Scholarship Scheme's website, mentioned above.
The Scholarship covers 
  • Tuition Fees
  • Air-tickets by economy class for which the scholar will only be provided on the following occasions:
    1. From the scholar’s home country to  Brunei Darussalam at the commencement of the program
    2. From Brunei Darussalam to the scholar’s home country after the completion of the program
  • Free medical and dental treatment at any Government hospital subject to conditions stipulated by the Ministry of Health.. However there will be administrative charges for every consultation (currently at B$ 3.00), admission to class A1, A2 and A3 wards and charges for certain dental treatment as stated in the schedule 1 Dental Treatment issued by the Ministry of Health.
Other allowances payable will include:
  1. Monthly personal allowance of BND$ 500.00
  2. Annual Book Allowance of BND$  600.00
  3. Baggage Allowance maximum of BND$  250.00 to ASEAN and BND$ 500 to non ASEAN region 
  • The scholars is required to sign an agreement with the Brunei Darussalam Government to complete the course of study, failing which he/she will be liable to refund to the Brunei Darussalam Government all expenditures that have been extended on him/her.
Terms & Conditions
  • The scholarship may not be held concurrently with any other award without the prior approval of the Government of Brunei Darussalam and the awarding body; 
  • The scholar may not undertake paid employment during the award or serve in the staff of their country’s representative in Brunei Darussalam; 
  • The Government of Brunei Darussalam will not be responsible for securing employment for the scholar after graduation; 
  •  An applicant may be required to appear for an interview at such place(s) as  may be determined by the institutions offering the programmes, and to sit a written examination to asses his / her proficiency in the English Language / Malay language / Arabic Language (where applicable); 
  • To abide with the rules and regulations of each individual institution; 
  • Successful applicants are required to undergo medical examination in Brunei Darussalam; 
  • The Government of Brunei Darussalam reserves the right to terminate the scholarship as recommended by the institutions as they found it deemed to be justifiable;
  • Upon completion of the course, graduates are required to return to their home country with immediate effect; 
  • Successful applicants are recommended / advised to acquire travel and health insurance cover (24 hours cover) at their own expense for the whole duration of their stay here in Brunei Darussalam; 
  • Successful applicants should get a security clearance from their National Security Agency / Police (clear from civil and criminal record); 
  • Successful applicants are responsible to deposit an amount of money as determined and required by the immigration Department of Brunei Darussalam before a student pass can be issued upon reporting for enrolment at the offering institution. 
  • Successful applicants are required to submit a Certificate of Medical Fitness from a registered medical practitioner to the Scholarships Section at the address given in paragraph 9. An award will only be confirmed / granted upon producing certificate of medical fitness. All charges for medical expenses to be borne by the applicant concerned.  

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