Thursday, November 25, 2010

Foreign Funded Scholarship Programs: Applications Open for 2011 Cohort of Kinship Conservation Fellows

Applications Open for 2011 Cohort of Kinship Conservation Fellows
Program to run June 28 – July 29; applications close January 24, 2011.
Chicago, IL, November 1, 2010 --/WORLD-WIRE/-- Kinship Foundation has opened applications for its tenth cohort of Kinship Conservation Fellows. Eighteen applicants will be selected as Fellows, awarded a $6,000 stipend and lodging for the month-long program, and gain membership into a global community of inspired leaders.
Kinship Conservation Fellows is an innovative environmental leadership program whose intensive, in-residence instruction in the forces that drive environmental markets transforms the way conservation practitioners work. During their month at Kinship, Fellows look beyond their technical and scientific capacities to discover and understand the economic and business contexts influencing conservation worldwide.
“Kinship Conservation Fellows is for those who are ready to put theory into practice. We take the tools of the marketplace – economics, business planning, finance – to create real-world solutions to a wide range of environmental threats,” states Kinship Conservation Fellows Director Jim Tolisano. To date, 154 individuals representing 40 countries and 6 continents have been selected as Kinship Fellows.
As a key component of the Kinship application process, each applicant must submit a detailed project description. Projects serve as case studies throughout the month, grounding theoretical economic, finance, and business concepts in practical and applied examples. Kinship’s curriculum integrates its case study approach to instruction in market-based tools with customized training in the Adaptive Leadership framework. This methodology guides Fellows to accept and welcome the interlocking complexity of conflict and change, and prepares them to successfully implement ground-breaking techniques upon returning to the field. Kinship’s tailored hands-on and applied approach sets it apart as a program uniquely committed to investing in the specific challenges that Fellows face, which in turn strengthens organizations and the conservation community as a whole.
Kinship’s learning community of dedicated faculty and qualified peers continues to support Fellows beyond their time in the Pacific Northwest. Armed with the insight acquired over the month-long in-residence immersion, Fellows leave with access to a global expertise bank and fresh solutions to shape the future of conservation practice.
The 2011 Kinship Conservation Fellows program will take place on the campus of Western Washington University in Bellingham, Washington from June 28th through July 29th, 2011. Mid-career conservation practitioners with at least five years of field experience, a Bachelor’s degree, and a demonstrated desire to innovate are encouraged to apply for consideration as a Kinship Fellow. To learn more and access the online application form, please visit The application deadline is January 24, 2011.

In 2006, Kinship Conservation Fellows became the new name for the groundbreaking program that launched in 2001 as the Kinship Conservation Institute. Kinship’s mission is to develop a community of leaders dedicated to collaborative approaches to environmental issues with an emphasis on market-based principles. For more information about Kinship Conservation Fellows, please contact Sarah Knobloch at (312) 803-6200,, or visit

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