Thursday, November 25, 2010

Increasing Education and training opportunities for Pakistani students in China

Increasing Education and training opportunities
Action Taken Report on the President’s Directive to incease the number of Pakistani Students to China to 10,000.
Establishment of Coordination Cell in HEC:
  • A Special Cell has been established in the Higher Education Commission for coordination and guidance of candidates intended for getting education and training in China. Moreover, to upload on HEC website, following information are being collected from CSC:
i)                 Institutions and their world wide recognition,
ii)               Medium of instructions in the institutions,
iii)             Vocational / Technical programs and its duration,
iv)              Fee of the programs and scholarships available for the programs.
The NAVTEC has identified priority areas and prospective candidates:
  • The NAVTEC, being key stakeholder of the program has identified priority areas, availability of prospective candidates and after training their possible placement in the industry. The NAVTEC is also working on sending of prospective candidates to China in a phase-wise manner to China, particularly in the fields of ICT, Construction, Livestock & Dairy Development, Hospitality & tourism, Food Processing and Recycling training in waste provided funds are made available.
NUML to accommodate prospective candidates in Chinese Language Program:
  • The National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad has been given a task of conducting Chinese language training for prospective candidates so that they might be fluent in language before they ground to China.

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