Thursday, November 25, 2010

Foreign Funded Scholarship Programs: The Asian Development Bank (ADB) - Japan Scholarship Program (JSP)

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) - Japan Scholarship Program (JSP)
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) - Japan Scholarship Program (JSP) was established in April 1988 with financing from the Government of Japan.
It aims to provide an opportunity for well-qualified citizens of ADB's developing member countries to pursue postgraduate studies in economics, management, science and technology, and other development-related fields at participating academic institutions in the Asian and Pacific Region.
Upon completion of their study programs, scholars are expected to contribute to the economic and social development of their home countries.
The ADB-JSP enrolls about 300 students annually in 20 academic institutions located in 10 countries within the Region. The ADB-JSP provides full scholarships for one to two years.
For complete information, eligibility criteria and application procedure, visit
Note: Applicants are required to send their application directly to the University in which they want to apply.
Procedures for Applying
Detailed information is available at
Applicants should request information and application forms from the chosen Academic Institution(s). Applicants are encouraged to access various resources, including the institutions' websites and handbooks, and institution information sessions held in-country, to assist them in making an informed decision on the academic institution and course they wish to undertake.
Applicants should indicate to the academic institution that they are applying for admission and that they would like to be considered for the ADB-JSP Scholarship. The completed Institution application form and required documentation, including the ADB-JSP Information Sheet form, should be submitted to the academic institution. Applicants must ensure that they submit accurate and complete documentation. Failure to do so may result in an application not being processed or to an award being terminated if documentation or information provided is later determined to be false. Applicants are required to submit their latest Income Tax Return or Certification of their Annual Salary/Monthly Salary, whichever is available. They should also submit a Certification of Family Income (Parent's Income).
The academic institution will screen and rank the applicants, based on its own selection criteria, keeping in view the eligibility requirements and selection criteria of the ADB. In the evaluation process, the academic institution may contact the candidates for further information. The academic institution will then submit its ranked list of applicants to ADB, including a description of the score/grading system which is the basis for the ranking.
ADB will review the submission from the academic institutions and recommend awardees based on the selection criteria of ADB to the Executive Director of Japan for formal approval.
Upon approval by the Executive Director of Japan, ADB will advise academic institutions on the successful candidates.
The academic institution will inform all applicants of the outcome of the selection process and begin to make arrangements for the awardees take up their scholarships.
The academic institutions will arrange for the signing of the Acceptance of Scholarship Award by awardee wherein the scholars agree that after completion of their study, they will return to their home country.
ADB will send an appropriate congratulatory letter to each scholar.
Download the Information Sheet in Ms Word format.Download the Information Sheet in PDF format.
Applications for scholarships should be sent at least six months prior to the planned time that you wish to commence studies.
  • No separate application to ADB is necessary.
  • The duly accomplished information sheet together with all copies of academic records should be sent to the institution at least six (6) months before the commencement of the intake that you wish to join.
  • Only candidates who have been offered admission and endorsed by the academic institutions will be considered for the scholarships by the ADB.
  • The ADB-JSP does not cover: expenses for the scholar's family; extra-curricular courses or training; additional travel during the course of the study program; additional expenses related to supplementary educational materials, field trips, or participation in workshops, seminars, or internships while at the academic institution or purchase of educational equipment such as computers.
  • Completion of the information sheet or admission by the academic institution does not mean that you have been accepted for a scholarship; accordingly you should not take any action with respect to your current employment or otherwise, until you have been informed by the institution that you have been awarded a scholarship.
Note: Applicants are required to send their application directly to the University in which they want to apply.

INSEAD Syngenta Endowed Scholarship

INSEAD Syngenta Endowed Scholarship
Syngenta is a world-leading agribusiness committed to sustainable agriculture through innovative research and technology. The company is a leader in crop protection, and ranks third in the high-value commercial seeds market. Sales in 2007 were approximately US$ 9.24 billion. Syngenta employs some 21,000 people in 90 countries. Headquarters is located in Basel, Switzerland.
Since Syngenta strongly believes that talented people are the key to successful businesses they embrace INSEAD's mission to train the brightest and best from around the world for the challenge of tomorrow's business world. Syngenta is particularly committed to the dynamic emerging market regions and has therefore chosen to offer this scholarship opportunity to future leaders from emerging countries.

Postdoctoral positions for nanomaterial research at KIMM, Korea

Korea Institute of Machinery & Materials
Job Title: 
Postdoctoral positions for nanomaterial research at KIMM, Korea
Job Number: 
Date Posted: 
Application Deadline:
Open Until Filled

Job Description
Post-doctoral positions are currently available in the Nanomechanics Division in Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials (KIMM), Daejeon, Korea.

The postdoctoral candidate will take part in a project 1) “Separation and transparent conductive film application of carbon nanotube” in the Frontier Program funded by Korea Science and Engineering Foundation or 2) "nanocrystal quantum dot synthesis for LED application" in the Program funded by the Ministry of Knowledge Economy. Our research goals are to elucidate 1) Mass chirality separation of carbon nanotube, and 2) lowering the resistance of transparent conductive film of CNT 3) application of transparent heater by using CNT, or 4) Mass scale synthesis of nanocrystal quantum dots using flow reactor system. More challengeable works for CNT & QD will be partly accompanied. The annual salary starts from 35,000 US$ with tax. If you have more job experience except PhD, more salary can be considered.

We are seeking highly motivated and excellent postdoctoral candidates for this program. English language skills are required. All publication list in international journals as first author should be submitted.

Send CV, student records (BS, MS, PhD), statement of career goals and representative published papers as pdfs. Position is immediately available, but starting date is negotiable. All document should be submitted via only e-mail.

Chang-Soo Han
Dept. Nanomechanics
Korea Institute of Machinery & Materials
Daejeon,  305343
Korea (South)
Phone: +82-42-868-7126 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              +82-42-868-7126      end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Employer's Web Site: 

When applying for this position, please mention you saw this ad on Please also post your resume/CV in our resume database which is searched and viewed by many employers and recruiters. This is a free service to all job seekers.

Foreign Funded Scholarship Programs: Applications Open for 2011 Cohort of Kinship Conservation Fellows

Applications Open for 2011 Cohort of Kinship Conservation Fellows
Program to run June 28 – July 29; applications close January 24, 2011.
Chicago, IL, November 1, 2010 --/WORLD-WIRE/-- Kinship Foundation has opened applications for its tenth cohort of Kinship Conservation Fellows. Eighteen applicants will be selected as Fellows, awarded a $6,000 stipend and lodging for the month-long program, and gain membership into a global community of inspired leaders.
Kinship Conservation Fellows is an innovative environmental leadership program whose intensive, in-residence instruction in the forces that drive environmental markets transforms the way conservation practitioners work. During their month at Kinship, Fellows look beyond their technical and scientific capacities to discover and understand the economic and business contexts influencing conservation worldwide.
“Kinship Conservation Fellows is for those who are ready to put theory into practice. We take the tools of the marketplace – economics, business planning, finance – to create real-world solutions to a wide range of environmental threats,” states Kinship Conservation Fellows Director Jim Tolisano. To date, 154 individuals representing 40 countries and 6 continents have been selected as Kinship Fellows.
As a key component of the Kinship application process, each applicant must submit a detailed project description. Projects serve as case studies throughout the month, grounding theoretical economic, finance, and business concepts in practical and applied examples. Kinship’s curriculum integrates its case study approach to instruction in market-based tools with customized training in the Adaptive Leadership framework. This methodology guides Fellows to accept and welcome the interlocking complexity of conflict and change, and prepares them to successfully implement ground-breaking techniques upon returning to the field. Kinship’s tailored hands-on and applied approach sets it apart as a program uniquely committed to investing in the specific challenges that Fellows face, which in turn strengthens organizations and the conservation community as a whole.
Kinship’s learning community of dedicated faculty and qualified peers continues to support Fellows beyond their time in the Pacific Northwest. Armed with the insight acquired over the month-long in-residence immersion, Fellows leave with access to a global expertise bank and fresh solutions to shape the future of conservation practice.
The 2011 Kinship Conservation Fellows program will take place on the campus of Western Washington University in Bellingham, Washington from June 28th through July 29th, 2011. Mid-career conservation practitioners with at least five years of field experience, a Bachelor’s degree, and a demonstrated desire to innovate are encouraged to apply for consideration as a Kinship Fellow. To learn more and access the online application form, please visit The application deadline is January 24, 2011.

In 2006, Kinship Conservation Fellows became the new name for the groundbreaking program that launched in 2001 as the Kinship Conservation Institute. Kinship’s mission is to develop a community of leaders dedicated to collaborative approaches to environmental issues with an emphasis on market-based principles. For more information about Kinship Conservation Fellows, please contact Sarah Knobloch at (312) 803-6200,, or visit

Increasing Education and training opportunities for Pakistani students in China

Increasing Education and training opportunities
Action Taken Report on the President’s Directive to incease the number of Pakistani Students to China to 10,000.
Establishment of Coordination Cell in HEC:
  • A Special Cell has been established in the Higher Education Commission for coordination and guidance of candidates intended for getting education and training in China. Moreover, to upload on HEC website, following information are being collected from CSC:
i)                 Institutions and their world wide recognition,
ii)               Medium of instructions in the institutions,
iii)             Vocational / Technical programs and its duration,
iv)              Fee of the programs and scholarships available for the programs.
The NAVTEC has identified priority areas and prospective candidates:
  • The NAVTEC, being key stakeholder of the program has identified priority areas, availability of prospective candidates and after training their possible placement in the industry. The NAVTEC is also working on sending of prospective candidates to China in a phase-wise manner to China, particularly in the fields of ICT, Construction, Livestock & Dairy Development, Hospitality & tourism, Food Processing and Recycling training in waste provided funds are made available.
NUML to accommodate prospective candidates in Chinese Language Program:
  • The National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad has been given a task of conducting Chinese language training for prospective candidates so that they might be fluent in language before they ground to China.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Offer of Undergraduate, Master's and PhD scholarships by the Government of Brunei Darussalam for the Session 2011-12 Part 2

Continue from previous:

Other Related Information
Universities in Which Programs are Offered:
Universiti Brunei Darussalam (UBD)
Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali (UNISSA) and
Institut Teknologi Brunei (ITB)
The list of programs offered by each university can be downloaded from Brunei Darussalam Scholarship Scheme's website, mentioned above.
The Scholarship covers 
  • Tuition Fees
  • Air-tickets by economy class for which the scholar will only be provided on the following occasions:
    1. From the scholar’s home country to  Brunei Darussalam at the commencement of the program
    2. From Brunei Darussalam to the scholar’s home country after the completion of the program
  • Free medical and dental treatment at any Government hospital subject to conditions stipulated by the Ministry of Health.. However there will be administrative charges for every consultation (currently at B$ 3.00), admission to class A1, A2 and A3 wards and charges for certain dental treatment as stated in the schedule 1 Dental Treatment issued by the Ministry of Health.
Other allowances payable will include:
  1. Monthly personal allowance of BND$ 500.00
  2. Annual Book Allowance of BND$  600.00
  3. Baggage Allowance maximum of BND$  250.00 to ASEAN and BND$ 500 to non ASEAN region 
  • The scholars is required to sign an agreement with the Brunei Darussalam Government to complete the course of study, failing which he/she will be liable to refund to the Brunei Darussalam Government all expenditures that have been extended on him/her.
Terms & Conditions
  • The scholarship may not be held concurrently with any other award without the prior approval of the Government of Brunei Darussalam and the awarding body; 
  • The scholar may not undertake paid employment during the award or serve in the staff of their country’s representative in Brunei Darussalam; 
  • The Government of Brunei Darussalam will not be responsible for securing employment for the scholar after graduation; 
  •  An applicant may be required to appear for an interview at such place(s) as  may be determined by the institutions offering the programmes, and to sit a written examination to asses his / her proficiency in the English Language / Malay language / Arabic Language (where applicable); 
  • To abide with the rules and regulations of each individual institution; 
  • Successful applicants are required to undergo medical examination in Brunei Darussalam; 
  • The Government of Brunei Darussalam reserves the right to terminate the scholarship as recommended by the institutions as they found it deemed to be justifiable;
  • Upon completion of the course, graduates are required to return to their home country with immediate effect; 
  • Successful applicants are recommended / advised to acquire travel and health insurance cover (24 hours cover) at their own expense for the whole duration of their stay here in Brunei Darussalam; 
  • Successful applicants should get a security clearance from their National Security Agency / Police (clear from civil and criminal record); 
  • Successful applicants are responsible to deposit an amount of money as determined and required by the immigration Department of Brunei Darussalam before a student pass can be issued upon reporting for enrolment at the offering institution. 
  • Successful applicants are required to submit a Certificate of Medical Fitness from a registered medical practitioner to the Scholarships Section at the address given in paragraph 9. An award will only be confirmed / granted upon producing certificate of medical fitness. All charges for medical expenses to be borne by the applicant concerned.  

Offer of Undergraduate, Master's and PhD scholarships by the Government of Brunei Darussalam for the Session 2011-12

The Government of Brunei Darussalam is offering annual scholarships under a special scholarship award scheme, commencing in 2011-12 academic session. Under this program following courses are being offered in various universities of Brunei Drassalam: 
  • Bachelor Degree (Honors)
  • Master Degree
  • PhD Degree 
  • HND (Higher National Diploma)
The aim of the scholarship award is to provide students, with the opportunity to stay at Universiti Brunei Darussalam [UBD], Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali [UNISSA] and Institute of Teknologi Brunei [ITB]. 
Eligibility Criteria
  1. Applicant must be citizens of ASEAN, OIC, Commonwealth member countries.
  2. Must be between the age of 18-25 at the commencement of the academic session  / classes, for which they are applying for admission. However, under exceptional case, the age limit requirement may be waived for candidates who are applying for Master & PhD programs.
  3. The applicant must have completed HSSC / Intermediate for application in Undergraduate Program.
  4. The applicant must have completed 16 years Bachelors / or equivalent Degree for application in Master's Program and PhD Program.
  5. The applicant must full fill all the field of the Brunei Application Form and no column or field should be left unfilled.
  6. Certificates / Transcript/Degrees to be attached must be attested by the attesting authorities such as IBCC and HEC.
  7. The applicant must provide Police Clearance Certificate with his application.
How to Apply
Documents Required:
Following points are mentioned, for the purpose to serve as a Glance for the applicants, regarding documents to be attached. For Complete and detailed information applicants are reqruied to visit the link and properly go through the requirements of Degree Program and University requirements:

    1. Three recent passport size photographs.
    2. Three IBCC and HEC attested / certified copies of academic qualification.
    3. Three copies of Applicants Statement of Purpose (Item 6 on Brunei Application form).
    4. Three certified copies of Birth Certificate and passport.
    5. Three copies of Security Vetting / Police Clearance Certificate.
    6. Certified English Translations of supporting documents (i.e. certificates, testimonials, transcripts) must be submitted for documents that are not in English.
    7. Reference forms must be fulfilled completely, available in Brunei Application Form.
    8. Must fulfil Minimum Entry Requirements of each University and Program in which you are interested to apply.
    9. Language proficiency proof such as IELTS, TOEFL, as per program in which you want to apply. Programs are offered in English, Malay and Arabic Language (See Minimum Entry Requirement of the Program in the specific University)
    10. Applications which are not containing any of the documents mentioned above or mentioned on Brunei Darussalam's Scholarship scheme website will not be entertained. Those applicants, who do not have any of the documents, should NOT apply in this scholarship scheme.
These documents are required by Brunei Darussalam authorities, therefore make sure that any of the documents mentioned above or mentioned at Brunei Darussalam's Scholarship scheme website ( ) is not missing.
Sending Application Package
  1. Applicants are required to send Three sets of Brunei Application Form, which can be downloaded from ( ) 
  2. Only One Set of HEC Application Form, which can be downloaded from the section Related Documents (at right side).
  3. Fill the Application forms very neatly, using the capital letters in Black or Blue ink only, if possible with the help of Computer.
  4. Applications should be sent in Spiral Binding only. The Applications which are not in Spiral Binding will not be accepted.
  5. Each Application set should be separate. All three application sets should not be binded / attacehd together.
  6. All payments are to be made to HEC through HBL online facility. This facility is available in all branches of Habib Bank Ltd. A separate bank Account No. 17427900133401 is being maintained for the purpose. A proforma for depositing funds is available at
  7. Attach portion of payment receipt (in Original), of HBL online payment facility of amount Rs. 300/- non-refundable, made in favor of HEC, Islamabad.
  8. Kindly note that HEC is the authorized agency who would send nomination from Pakistan, hence you should not send application directly to Brunei. Last Date for receipt of application in HEC is on or before 05 December, 2010. Late received applications will NOT be entertained.
  9. Send completely filled application form, with no documents missing, to the address given below:

Asif Kaleem Malik,

Project Manager (FFSP / BRUNEI)
HRD Division,

Higher Education Commission
H-9, Islamabad

 Note: HEC is only facilitating in the processing of the said scholarship and has no financial liability in this regard.
To be continue in next topic with title:
Offer of Undergraduate, Master's and PhD scholarships by the Government of Brunei Darussalam for the Session 2011-12 Part2

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Commission Increases Performance by 40 Per Cent with Cutting-Edge Technology

Higher Education Commission Commission Increases Performance by 40 Per Cent with Cutting-Edge Technology

The Higher Education Commission (HEC) in Pakistan often recommends IT solutions to universities. Before doing so, it tests them on its own organisation. When HEC needed to update its IT infrastructure, it implemented the Windows Server 2008 R2 operating system with Windows 7, Microsoft Office Professional 2007, and Microsoft Unified Communications solutions for an intuitive and easy-to-use system. The result was so well received that the organisation is now encouraging universities to deploy some of these technologies.
Business Needs
HEC is the regulatory agency for higher education in Pakistan. Its primary focus is to help build a knowledge-based economy by developing the country’s universities into highly respected centres of education and research. The commission has always led by example, supporting the use of IT in education by implementing cutting-edge technology and making it available to institutes of higher education. In fact, HEC takes pride in being one of the first organisations in the government sector to use the latest advances in IT.
In recent years, HEC has reformed the way IT is used in higher education by setting up a programme of e-reforms. These reforms provide guidelines on technological infrastructure and address issues such as plagiarism and inefficiency of IT systems. Infrastructure projects that are part of e-reforms include a digital library containing a wide variety of locally and internationally published journals and papers, as well as digitised versions of papers published by PhD scholars in Pakistan.
The commission had a fairly robust IT system with a high-speed network, local area network connectivity and security, data centres, and proprietary in-house applications. However, it was difficult to respond to increasing demand for user services because of the lack of integration between applications. For example, the organisation used two parallel systems for local and international e-mail. Moreover, it relied on a third-party audio and videoconferencing solution, which didn’t provide single sign-on, and the cost of which was high. Due to these challenges, only a limited number of users were provided with collaboration services.
The commission also needed to replace a paper-based filing system that was prone to human error and delays, with a structure that would increase productivity with automated systems. Above all, any system implemented needed to be easy to adopt, allowing users with a wide range of technology skills to interact with each other seamlessly through a common interface.
HEC initiated the process of reforms through a thorough evaluation of solutions available, and signed up for a School Agreement with Microsoft Pakistan in 2008. HEC became the first public sector organisation in Pakistan to use the Enterprise Client Access Licence Suite, giving employees access to multiple business productivity applications within a single system. In 2009, the IT team worked with Microsoft Gold Certified Partner Expert Systems and Microsoft to roll out a centralised infrastructure based on the Windows Server 2008 R2 operating system with Windows 7. Anwar Amjad, Director General, Information Technology, at the Higher Education Commission, says: “When I was introduced to Windows 7, I was so impressed with the performance that we’re now encouraging our universities to adopt it.”
The solution included the familiar Microsoft Office Professional 2007 suite of applications, along with Unified Communications. Users who are geographically dispersed can now access conferences, workshops, and meetings from virtually anywhere. The use of Microsoft Office Live Meeting to host training for capacity building of remote users from the HEC head office has also helped cut costs and boost productivity. HEC is also using Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 to publish its external Web site and automate multiple business processes through an internal portal.
Deploying Windows Server 2008 R2 with Hyper-V cut the number of physical servers in half, from 30 to 15. Through more efficient use of its servers, HEC now has the ability to offer a rich set of services to end users without incurring additional hardware and real-estate cost.
Deploying Windows Server 2008 R2 with Hyper-V is a key part of the commission’s strategy to provide the latest technology to universities. This stable environment for vital services improves communications with an intuitive, easy-to-use interface for executives and operational staff.
  • Improved communication. Windows Server 2008 R2 with Hyper-V and Windows 7 integrates existing technologies and provides a stable environment for Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 R2. Geographically dispersed team members can now easily communicate through audio and videoconferencing. Help-desk staff can solve user problems in seconds without moving from their seats through the Desktop Sharing feature in Office Communicator 2007 R2.
  • Reduced server footprint. Virtualisation ensures physical server requirements are cut by 50 per cent, reducing the cost of acquiring and running a system that is easy to build on as needed.
  • Enhanced security. Windows Server 2008 R2 integrates seamlessly with existing systems. Amjad says: “We already had security mechanisms set up, but Windows Server 2008 R2 combined with Windows 7 gives us an even more efficient way of securing data.”
  • Cutting-edge technology. As the governing authority of higher education in Pakistan, HEC can now provide universities with access to the latest technology and modern interfaces university students expect.
  • Reduced travel expenses. Videoconferencing has significantly lowered the cost of travel among five offices in four provinces. “I used to travel at least twice a month,” says Amjad. “Since we installed Office Communicator, I’ve had to travel only once in the past six months.”
  • Increased productivity. Productivity has increased at least 40 per cent since implementing the technology. Amjad says: “The bottom line is that a computer needs to meet the speed of a human working. Windows 7 is an operating system that helps us keep our productivity high.”
For more information about other Microsoft customer successes, please visit: 
This case study is for informational purposes only. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IN THIS SUMMARY.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Offer of Scholarships for Master in Public Policy (MPP) and Master in Public Administration (MPA), by Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, Singapore, 2011

Lee Kuan Yew (LKY) School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore, Singapore, offers fully funded scholarships for Pakistani students. The Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy was established in 2004 in partnership with Harvard Kennedy School, is a part of National University of Singapore which ranked amongst top 3 universities of Asia. The student doing Master Public Policy (MPP) from this school can also pursue dual degree from its partner institutions/universities such as Columbia University’s SIPA, the LSE, Sciences Po, Paris and University of Tokyo. Applications are to be routed through HEC. The details are as under:
Programs Offered:
·         Two (2) years Master in Public Policy (MPP) Program.
·         One (1) year Master in Public Administration (MPA) Program.
Classes will commence in July, 2011.
Eligibility Criteria:
·         Four (4) years Bachelors Degree or equivalent.
·         Overall good academic grades.
·         Valid (for 2 years) IELTS / TOEFL proof (with scores as available on the LKY school’s website).
·         Work experience of 1-5 years for MPP Program, preferably of Public Service Environment.
·         Work Experience of 7-14 years for MPA program, preferably of Public Service Environment.
·         Admission requirements of Singapore National University (as mentioned on university’s website
Lee Kuan Yew (LKY) School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore, Singapore, offers fully funded scholarships for Pakistani students. The Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy was established in 2004 in partnership with Harvard Kennedy School, is a part of National University of Singapore which ranked amongst top 3 universities of Asia. The student doing Master Public Policy (MPP) from this school can also pursue dual degree from its partner institutions/universities such as Columbia University’s SIPA, the LSE, Sciences Po, Paris and University of Tokyo. Applications are to be routed through HEC. The details are as under:
Programs Offered:
·         Two (2) years Master in Public Policy (MPP) Program.
·         One (1) year Master in Public Administration (MPA) Program.
Classes will commence in July, 2011.
Eligibility Criteria:
·         Four (4) years Bachelors Degree or equivalent.
·         Overall good academic grades.
·         Valid (for 2 years) IELTS / TOEFL proof (with scores as available on the LKY school’s website).
·         Work experience of 1-5 years for MPP Program, preferably of Public Service Environment.
·         Work Experience of 7-14 years for MPA program, preferably of Public Service Environment.
·         Admission requirements of Singapore National University (as mentioned on university’s website

Documentary Requirement:
Applicants are required to visit LKY Schools website properly in order to get detailed information regarding documents required. However, some basic documents required are mentiond below: 
    1. Completed Application form
    2. Official Transcripts
    3. Copies of degree certificates
    4. Resume / C.V
    5. 3 essays
    6. 3 References, on prescribed reference form as mentioned in LKY School's website.
    7. Copy of passport
    8. Completed financial aid application
    9. TOEFL / IELTS Scores
These documents are required by LKY School, therefore make sure that any of the documents mentioned above or mentioned at LKY School's website is not missing.
How To Apply:
Applicants are required to first read / go through all the details of each program, MPP and MPA, mentioned on the LKY School’s website (on the left side) below:
1.      Fill LKY School’s Online application form from
2.      Fill all the columns / fields of LKY School’s Online Application form. Forms which are not properly fulfilled will not be entertained.
3.      Fill HEC Application Form
.·         HEC Application form for MPP 
 ·         HEC Application form for MPA
4.      Applicants are required to send only One (1) HEC Application form and Two (2) copies/prints of LKY Online application form
5.   Attach following documents with both LKY Online Application form and HEC Application form.
·         Attested copies of Transcripts, Degrees, Certificates attested from IBCC and HEC
·         Proof from your employer, indicating your job period, designation and organization
·         Attach all the forms and documents, as mentioned on the website of LKY school (see point number 1)
6.      Applications which are not containing any of the documents mentioned above or mentioned on LKY School’s website will not be entertained. Those applicants, who do not have any of the documents, should NOT apply in this scholarship scheme.
7.  Applications should be sent in Spiral Binding only. The Applications which are not in Spiral Binding will not be accepted.
Note: HEC is only facilitating in the processing of the said scholarship and has no financial liability in this regard.
Where to Send Application:
Applicants are required to send their application package alongwith all the documents mentioned above to the following address before
Asif Kaleem Malik
Project Manager (FFSP/Singapore)
HRD Division,
Higher Education Commission,
H-9, Islamabad.

Islamic Development Bank (IDB) Merit Scholarship Programme for High Technology for PhD & Post Doctoral studies in world’s Top Ranked Universities, 2011-12

             HEC has received offer of Scholarships, from Islamic Development Bank (IDB), for PhD and Post Doctoral Program, offered in the world renowned universities, for the session 2011-2012.
Application are invited from all bright Pakistani / AJK nationals, possessing very good standing/grades, as required by the IDB, belonging to the Public, Private Universities and R&D bodies, who would like to pursue their career in Science and Technology, in their home country.
The IDB Merit Scholarship Programme aims at developing technically qualified human resources in the IDB member countries by providing scholarships to promising and/or outstanding scholars and researchers to undertake advanced studies and/or research in the fields of applied science and technology needed for the development of the member countries. The main objectives of this programme are:
    • To develop technically qualified human resources in the IDB member countries;
    • To enhance the scientific, technological and research capability and potential of scholars and researchers in IDB member countries;
    • To help meet the needs of the IDB member countries in areas of science and technology; and
    • To strengthen the scientific, technological and research capability of institutions in member countries.
Who can apply?
The IDB Merit Scholarship Programme is only for scholars from member countries who are (still) attached to their educational, scientific and technological institutions and research centers in their countries and are actively working in the scientific and technological development of their countries.
The IDB Merit Scholarship Programme does not award scholarships to individuals but to promising and/or renowned scholars as sponsored by their institutions and nominated by authorized agency of their country (HEC, in case of Pakistan), as seen suitable and appropriate by the Offices of the IDB Governors of their countries in terms of the developmental and scientific needs of their countries.
Fields of Study in Which Scholarships are offered:
·         Health / Medicine
·         Agriculture / Food Production
·         Water resources / Desertification
·         Energy / Infrastructure Development
·         Nanotechnology and development-focused ICT.
Some scholarships are also available for studies and research in invention-related abstract sciences.
Host University:
The applicant should have admission in the Ph.D / Post Doctoral program (Science and Technology Disciplines) offered at any leading institution, which are in the THES List Priority shall be given to applicants who have secured admission at universities that have concluded a cooperation agreement with the IDB such as Cambridge University, Nottingham University and Birmingham University in the UK or from the top 50 universities on the THES list below:
Eligibility Criteria and Documentary Requirements: 
Eligibility Criteria and Documentary Requirements for IDB PhD Program
How to Apply: 
  • The applicants are required to send three separate application packages:
    1. The IDB Application form alongwith all documents (One original set and one photocopy of the original set and both should be separate)
    2. The HEC application form (only one).
  • Completely fill IDB application form with the help of computer:
IDB PhD Application Form (Download from here)
IDB Post Doctoral Application Form (Download from here)
  • Completely fill HEC application form with the help of computer, don’t attach both HEC and IDB forms.
HEC PhD Application Form (Download from here)
HEC Post Doctoral Application Form (Download from here)
  • Attach all the documents as mentioned in the Eligibility Criteria section of each program (above) as well as in the How to Apply section of IDB Application form.
  • Do not attach HEC application form with IDB Application form. HEC application form must be sent separately. Also, attach the print of THES list highlighting the Host University ranking number, with HEC application form only.
  • Completely pin up / staple each application form, loose applications will not be entertained.
  • Applicants are advised to keep a copy of completed set of IDB application form / package with them, as it may be required by the IDB Office, Saudi Arabia in future, in case of applicant’s selection.
  • All payments are to be made to HEC through HBL online facility. This facility is available in all branches of Habib Bank Ltd. A separate bank Account No.17427900133401 is being maintained for the purpose. A proforma for depositing funds is available at the following URL :
  • Attach portion of HBL online payment receipt (in Original) with HEC Application Form Only. HBL online payment facility of amount Rs. 200/- non-refundable, made in favor of HEC, Islamabad.
  • Applicants are advised to send required number of Application form as mentioned above on or before 30th November, 2010.
Note: HEC is only facilitating in the processing of the said scholarship and has no financial liability in this regard.
Where to Send your application?
Postal Address:
Asif Kaleem Malik
Project Manager (FFSP/IDB)
Higher Education Commission
H-9, Islamabad.
For information, send an email at
Selection Procedure of IDB:
Initially the applications are screened by the offices of IDB Governors or other IDB appointed Focal Points. The application are then processed at the IDB to ascertain the completeness of application documents and the eligibility in terms of the criteria of the Programme (i.e., age, degree, grades, experience, publication and field of study) and other relevant conditions of the Programme (i.e., command of the language of study, pre-admission, institutional attachment and nomination and the IDB Governor's endorsement). For Muslim Communities in non-Member Countries, applications are to be submitted through designated IDB CPOs and Muslim Organizations.
Applications are reviewed in detail by a panel of eminent scientists to ascertain the scientific and development relevance of the field of study proposed by the applicants and to assess the overall qualifications of the applicants. Recommendation for final selection is made by the Executive Committee for the IDB Merit Scholarship Programme to the President, IDB.
Once the announcement of selected candidates is made, successful candidates must utilize the scholarship within a period of one year. If by that time, the awardees have not been able to secure admission from Universities/institutions of study under the Programme, the offer will lapse.
Placement begins with the Fall session (September) or the Winter session (January), for those who will pursue three-year Ph.D study. For Post-Doctoral research, placement may begin at any time as long as all the requirements for departure are met, i.e., secured admission, receipt of signed and completed Surety Bonds at the IDB, and medical and insurance clearance. Medical coverage is issued by an international insurance company contracted by the IDB for the purpose.
To assist admission and placement, all selected candidates are supplied with a Handbook for Scholars which contains instructions on how to prepare for their departures, and on how to conduct themselves during the entire period of their studies and afterwards.
Benefits and Facilities
The scholarship covers all academic, institutional and living expenses including medical coverage and return air tickets. The Ph.D Scholars are additionally paid family allowances for spouse and up to 2 children.